Tech Junkie Blog - Real World Tutorials, Happy Coding!: ACME Bank: Step 5: Setup Visual Code For C# Development With Extensions

Thursday, July 1, 2021

ACME Bank: Step 5: Setup Visual Code For C# Development With Extensions

 For those of you who works with Visual Studio, working with C# comes out of the box, but with Visual Studio Code you need to install some extensions from the Marketplace to make it suitable for C# development.  

Here are the extensions you need to install:

  • C#: This extension by Microsoft gives us IntelliSense, references, code editing and highlighting and debugging support

  • C# Extensions: This extension let's you create C# files, like classes and interfaces also some keyboard shortcuts like creating.  This one seems to be no longer in development for a long time, but it works fine.

  • NuGet Package Manager: This extension let's us install new NuGet packages which we will need from time to time.

To install these extensions you just need to click the marketplace button, search for the extension and click on the "Install" button on the extension page.

If Visual Studio Code is unable to install the extension you can install it using the terminal using this command

code --install-extension jchannon.csharpextensions-1.3.1.vsix

When all the extensions are installed you should see the following in Visual Studio when click on the Marketplace button


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