Tech Junkie Blog - Real World Tutorials, Happy Coding!: Linux Networking: Network Time Protocol (NTP) Part 2, Time Sychronization With chrony

Monday, July 12, 2021

Linux Networking: Network Time Protocol (NTP) Part 2, Time Sychronization With chrony

 Now that we have a good understanding of how time works in a Linux ecosystem.  We want to sychronize our time with the chrony package.  There's also the ntp package but it's been deprecated so the way to do this right now is the to do it with the chrony package.

Here are the steps to synchronize time with chrony:

1. First you wan to install the package by running the command dnf install chrony -y it might already be installed

2. Once it's installed type the command systemctl enable chronyd and systemctl start chronyd to start the time sychronization

3. If you want to see more information about the time synchronization on the server you can run the chronyc tracking command

As you can see our current Stratum level is 3, which is pretty decent.

Another useful command that you can run is the chronyc sources command, this command will show you want servers you synchronized against.

You can add or remove the servers in the /etc/chrony.conf file in the top section, which should have iburst in it.

# Use public servers from the project.

# Please consider joining the pool (

pool iburst


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