Tech Junkie Blog - Real World Tutorials, Happy Coding!: April 2017

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

In this post we will be installing the RoboMongo user interface for MongoDB.  The advantage of a GUI is that you can see the documents in MongoDB visually also there is a validate future that is quite useful when you make changes to the data.

Here are the steps to install RoboMongo:

1.  Go to and click on the "Download" button

Monday, April 17, 2017

The previous blog post we setup our application to work with Heroku locally.  In this post we will deploy our application to the live Heroku platform.

Here are the steps to deploy our application to Heroku:

1.  First we need to check in our code into a local Git repository to add our code to Git is easy first type git init

Thursday, April 13, 2017

In this blog post we will setup our AngularJS SPA application for Heroku and testing it locally to make sure we got all our ducks in a row if you need a refresher for how to setup Heroku you can visit this post.  By deploying to Heroku we can access our application online making our application live.

Here are the steps to deploying the AngularJS shopping application to Heroku:

1.  Find out the node and npm version you have installed on your machine by typing in the following command

node --version
npm --version

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

In the previous blog we setup the folder structure to use the Jade view engine just to make sure Express is working correctly.  In this blog post we are going to tell Express to serve file static files as well in our app folder.  In the previous part when we browse to http://localhost:3000 we get the "Express" index page.  Using a view engine is a preference that some people have, but I feel more comfortable developing in HTML.

Friday, April 7, 2017

Heroku is a service provider that you can use to host your Node application quickly.  In this blog post I will how you how to install Heroku on a Windows machine.

Here are the steps to setup Heroku on a Windows machine:

1.  Go to and sign up for a free account, follow the instruction on the page
2.  Download the Heroku toolbelt from the Heroku website at

Thursday, April 6, 2017

In this post we will add Tag Helpers support for our application.  Tag Helpers are programmable attributes that you can use throughout the application.

Follow the steps below to enable tag helpers:

1.  Right-click on the "Views" folder and create a "View Imports" file

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Now that we have express installed let's do a little clean up and organization by creating some folders that we need.  First of all create the models and controllers folder inside the app folder your folder should look like the following

Monday, April 3, 2017

In this post we will create the Category Repository to retrieve information from the database about the the different categories in the NorthwindCafe database.

Here are the steps to create the Category repository class in the NorthwindCafe application:

1.  Create the ICategoryRepository interface for dependency injection, create a file call ICategoryRepository.cs in the "Models" folder with the following code

using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace NorthwindCafe.Web.Models
    public interface ICategoryRepository
        IEnumerable GetAllCategories();
        Category GetCategory(int Id);


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