Tech Junkie Blog - Real World Tutorials, Happy Coding!: JavaEE: Configure Tomcat As An Eclipse Server

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

JavaEE: Configure Tomcat As An Eclipse Server

In this post we are going to set Tomcat as a server in Eclipse so that we can interact with Tomcat through Eclipse.

Here are the steps to configure Tomcat to work with Eclipse:

You have to download the zip file version of the install to make Tomcat work with the Eclipse.  I had no luck with the Windows Installer

So go to

Then click on the .zip version of the download, and then extract the files into the

Now extract the content of the zip file into the folder C:\apache-tomcat-9.0.24

The rest you can follow the steps below:

1, Open the Eclipse servers tab Windows → Show View → Servers, click on the "No servers are
available, Click this link to create a new server" link

2. Expand the "Apache" node and select your Tomcat version, then click "Next"

3. Use the "Browse" button to select the Tomcat installation path, then click "Finish"

4. Now you will see that Tomcat is one of the servers that you can interact with in Eclipse

5. Now you can Start, Stop, Debug and etc. with Tomcat in Eclipse.

6. If you have a port conflict on startup of Tomcat you can doublclick on the Tomcat instance to get to the configuration where you can change the port

7. Once you double clicked on the instance you can change the port on the configuration page, under "Ports"

8.  If you get a 404 HTTP error, then double click on the Tomcat instance in Eclipse access the configuration again

9. Select the radio button "Use Tomcat installation (takes control of Tomcat insallation)" then stop and start Tomcat again in Eclipse

10. Now Tomcat should be fully configured and up and running


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