Tech Junkie Blog - Real World Tutorials, Happy Coding!: JavaEE: Install Tomcat 9 On Windows

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

JavaEE: Install Tomcat 9 On Windows

In this blog post we are going to install the tomcat servlet server on a Windows machine.

Here are the steps to install tomcat:

1. Go to the URL , then in the download section click on Tomcat 9

2. Under "Binary Distributions" select the last link

3. Double click on the installer, click "Next" on the welcome screen and accept the license agreement. When you get to the "Choose Component" screen make sure you select "Full"

 4. Accept all the port assignments, unless you have a conflict.  Then click "Next"

5. tomcat should be able to pick up your JDK install but it didn't browse to the location of your JDK

6. Click "Install" and the installation should begin

7. Click "Finish"

8. Type localhost:8080 into your browser and you should see the tomcat welcome page

Note: tomcat installed itself as a Windows service and is set to Automatic if you don't want to start it automatically you can change the settings in the services panel. You could start tomcat manually in the tomcat bin folder by clicking on the file Tomcat9w.exe or running the startup.bat file in the command line.

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