Tech Junkie Blog - Real World Tutorials, Happy Coding!: Iaas With AWS: Connect to EC2 Linux Instance On Windows Using Putty

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Iaas With AWS: Connect to EC2 Linux Instance On Windows Using Putty

 On the previous post we connect to our EC2 instance using SSH on Linux now I will show you how to connect to the EC2 instance using Putty on Windows

Here are the steps to connect to our EC2 instance on Windows:

1. Download and install Putty from here 

2. Open PuttyGen from the start menu, and select your .pem file and convert it to a .pkk file

Once it's open select "File", then "Load private key", then select your .pem file

On the "File name" drop down make sure you select "All Files(*.*)", then click "Open"

3. A prompt will pop-up to say that you've successfully imported the .pem file and converted to file format that Putty uses, the .ppk file, click "OK"

4. Click on "Save private key", click "Yes" when it asks for passphrase protection, of course you can always add passphrase protection if you wanted to. Save the private key as a .ppk file

5. Close Puttygen and open up Putty after the key has been saved
6. On the host name copy the public DNS from the AWS console for the instance. Make sure you have ec2-user@ before the DNS like so obviously our DNS would be different

Give your session a name so that you could just load it the next time you want to connect.  Before we connect we have to load the private key (.ppk) file first. To do that click on "Connection", then "SSH", then "Auth". Click on the "Browse" button, then select the .ppk file
7. Now go back to "Session" and click "Save" and click "Open"

8. Click "Yes" on the security alert

9.  You should now be connected to the EC2 instance via Putty, if you get a connection error on your first try after the security alert prompt. Just open up Putty and load the session and try connecting again. If you are prompted for a user name type ec2-user and press Enter

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