Tech Junkie Blog - Real World Tutorials, Happy Coding!: Deploy Windows Server 2016 Virtual Machine With Azure Portal

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Deploy Windows Server 2016 Virtual Machine With Azure Portal

In this blog we are going to deploy a Windows Server 2016 Datacenter Virtual Machine in Microsoft's Azure Portal.

Follow the steps below to create a Windows Server Virtual Machine:

1. Log into
2. Select "Virtual Machines"

3. Select "Add"

4.  Select "Windows Server", if you don't see it as a choice type in the search box "Windows Server"

5.  Select "Windows Server 2016 Datacenter"  edition

6.   Select "Resource Manager" on the "Select a deployment mode" dropdown. Then click "Create"

7.  Give your VM a unique name and make sure you select "HDD" for your VM disk type because SSD cost two to three times more.  Unless of course you are willing to pay for performance.

8.  Give you VM a username and password, then select an existing "Resource Group" or let Azure create one.  If you need to create your own "Resource Group" you can follow the instructions on this post.  Then click "OK"

9.  Now it's time to choose your VM size make sure you select "View All" because Microsoft will recommend to you the more expensive choices,

10.  Scroll down until you see A1_V2 Standard and then click "Select".  I usually select the cheapest option first because I can always scale up when I need to.

11.  Accept the default settings and you want to check your firewall settings to see that RDP is allowed on TCP port 3389.  Click "OK"

12.  On the "Summary" page click "OK"

13.  Azure will give you a status of the deployment

14.  Now if you go to "Virtual Machines" page you will see that the Windows Server VM has been deployed

Note:  Remember to stop the VM when you are not using it because you will incurring cost while it's           up. Also make sure the the status "stopped (deallocated)"  so that you are not incurring any                 costs.

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