Tech Junkie Blog - Real World Tutorials, Happy Coding!: Digital Life: How To Tap Into The Apple Ecosystem Without An iPhone

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Digital Life: How To Tap Into The Apple Ecosystem Without An iPhone

I believe the last iPhone I owned was an iPhone 3?  I don't remember, but it was a while back.  It was actually a very good phone.  I love Apple products, but the price just seems to increase on each iterations and the features were less and less with each upgrades.  I found myself with a life or death situation.  Should I go to the dark side (Darth Vader breathing) an "Andriod Phone".  Oh my god, stop it I said to  But at the time the Android phones were getting good.  So I decided to take the plunge and never looked back.

Anyways back to the present day, I have Apple envy because it has this great ecosystem, that I can't tapped into because I don't have an iPhone.  That is until I got the new iPad, which is the cheaper version of the iPad, but it's not really cheap at all it's the best iPad out there for the price.  I got it so that I can watch movies and read magazines while I was commuting.  What I found surprising was that once again I am tapped into the Apple ecosystem with my iPad.  I can sign up to all the new services that Apple is touting.  I am currently subscribed to News+ because I am a news junkie.  But if you think about it most of the new Apple services are ideal for consumption on a bigger screen.

Since I have unlimited plan on my Android phone, I used it as a hotspot for my iPad.  Put my iPad in a stylish mini bag, and I am good to go.  My iPad became a substitute for an iPhone, for less than 1K that's not bad. I know what you are thinking an Android phone and an iPad working together?  That's like the rebellion working with the empire.  But that's the closest thing to world piece right now and we should take it :)

If you want to contribute to my retirement fund you can buy it here on Amazon, it's actually a really good tablet for the price.  I mean the screen is amazing.  I got the older model and I am still using everyday. iOS is awesome, that's the one thing I like about the empire's product (I mean Apple's product).

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