Tech Junkie Blog - Real World Tutorials, Happy Coding!: AngularJS SPA : Installing Express generator

Thursday, March 23, 2017

AngularJS SPA : Installing Express generator

In order to install the Express web server on the fly on your machine you need to install the Express generator.  Fortunately with NodeJS it is as easy as typing in a command in the command line.  This step used to install Express globally so that it will be easy for development.

Here are the steps to install Express generator globally:

1.  Open up the command line and type in the following command
     npm install -g express-generator


2.  To verify that the installation was successful type in the following command to check the Express         version

       express --version

That's it! Now we are ready to set up Express anywhere in our machine.

Posts In The AngularJS SPA Application Series:
  1. Setting Up Angular-Seed
  2. Preparing Angular-Seed For The Shopping List Application
  3. Refactor Code to Not Use Global Variables (Shopping List App)
  4. Installing MongoDB
  5. Create a MongoDB Configuration FIle
  6. Install mongoDB as a Windows Service
  7. Installing Express generator
  8. Installing ExpressJS Application Server
  9. Creating The SPA Project Folder Structure
  10. Setup Express To Serve Static Files
  11. Setup The Shopping Application For Heroku And Testing It Locally
  12. Deploy Shopping List Application To Heroku
  13. Install RoboMongo GUI for MongoDB

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