Tech Junkie Blog - Real World Tutorials, Happy Coding!: JavaScript Objects Deep Dive : Creating Objects With Object Literals

Monday, November 8, 2021

JavaScript Objects Deep Dive : Creating Objects With Object Literals

The most common ways you see how objects are created in JavaScript is the object literal syntax.  The object literal syntax is the open { } with comma separated name: pair value lists.  The name: part is the name of the property.  The part after : is the property value which can hold a primitive value or another object.  It could even be a function.

Here is an example of an object literal:

var product = {
    name: "Chai",
    Category: "Tea",
    Country: "India",
    supplier: {
        name: "ACME Tea Of India",
        location : "New Delhi"
    related: ["Earl Grey", "Green Tea", "Dark Tea", "White Tea"],
    display: function () {

If you open this in the browser you will see that product object is made up of properties, another object called supplier, an array related, and a function called display()


  1. Thanks for your post. I’ve been thinking about writing a very comparable post over the last couple of weeks, I’ll probably keep it short and sweet and link to this instead if thats cool. Thanks.

  2. Define an object using { } brackets and key:values and their correlates differ by a comma. Depending upon the specific circumstances, it would either be a bare word which would be the name of the property or a literal or a function. I am also confuse in javascript program But recently I buy dissertation service in program which is very nice if you are stuck.


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