Tech Junkie Blog - Real World Tutorials, Happy Coding!: April 2018

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Python: Installing Python

In this post I am going to go over how to install Python on a Windows machine

Here are the steps to install Python

1.  Type in the URL
2.  Click Download Pythong 3.6.5, save it to a location that you will remember

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

R Programming : Installing R for Windows

R is a programming language used by data scientists to present and manipulate data.  In this blog post I will go over the steps you need to do to install R in your Windows machine.

Here are the steps to install R:

1. Type the following URL into the address bar

2. Once you are on the page click on the link that says "Download R for Windows"

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

CSS : HTML Selectors

In CSS you can define styles for HTML elements and apply the styles globally on the page where the HTML element is used.  For example you can define styles for the entire html element or the p element.  Like the following markup

        html {color:blue;}
        p {font-weight:bold;}
        h1 {color:red;}

This is a paragraph

This h1 tag