Tech Junkie Blog - Real World Tutorials, Happy Coding!: October 2013

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

ASP.NET : WebForms UnobtrusiveValidationMode requires a ScriptResourceMapping for 'jquery'. Please add a ScriptResourceMapping named jquery(case-sensitive)

If you receive the WebForms UnobtrusiveValidationMode requires a ScriptResourceMapping for 'jquery' error, put the following lines of code in the Appliction_Start method in the Global.asax.cs file

        protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string jqueryVersion = "1.8.0";

                                                new System.Web.UI.ScriptResourceDefinition
                Path = "~/Scripts/jquery-" + jqueryVersion + ".min.js",
                DebugPath = "~/Scripts/jquery-" + jqueryVersion + ".js",
                CdnPath = "" + jqueryVersion + ".min.js",
                CdnDebugPath = "" + jqueryVersion + ".js",
                CdnSupportsSecureConnection = true,
                LoadSuccessExpression = "Window.jquery"

The above lines of code registers the jQuery library with the ScripManager. This will get rid of the error, you can do the same this with jQueryUI library.